Bakhtyar Ahmed Mala

Geospatial Expert and Educator

An exceptional geospatial expert and educator, whose expertise spans a wide spectrum of surveying and engineering disciplines.

Phone Number
+(964) 750-921-4878
Address Info
Erbil, KRG-Iraq.

Personal Information

We are delighted to introduce Mr. Bakhtyar Ahmed Mala, an exceptional geospatial expert and educator, whose expertise spans a  wide spectrum of    surveying and engineering disciplines. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. with a focus on digital photogrammetry, remote sensing, optimization, and geodesy,  Bakhtyar’s research centers on the influence of materials on laser scanning point cloud accuracy.  Mr. Bakhtyar  holds a  Master’s degree  in   Surveying Engineering,   specializing in Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry. His academic journey is marked by excellence, earning the highest grade in his department. His knowledge encompasses advanced surveying, photogrammetry, geodesy, digital image processing, and advanced statistics.

With a wealth of practical experience and an impressive list of professional accomplishments, including work as a consultant engineer, inspector engineer for tank calibration in the oil and gas industry, and 3D model creation using Laser Scanning, Mr. Bakhtyar is a well-rounded expert in his field. Mr. Bakhtyar is not only a dedicated educator but also an innovative practitioner in the realm of geospatial engineering. His passion for precision, in-depth knowledge, and practical skills makes him an invaluable asset to any project or team.

To harness Mr. Bakhtyar’s expertise or  learn more about  his contributions to the  world of  geospatial engineering, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the provided contact details. We are thrilled to have Mr. Bakhtyar Ahmed Mala as a part of our team, exemplifying excellence in geospatial science and engineering.